Jointly accredited Masters'
University of Franche-Comté (UFC)
Technology University of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
Two masters’ options are jointly accredited for 6 years (2017 – 2023) with SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM in the areas of Sciences, Technologies, Health :
Engineering of Complex Systems option (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM - UFC)
Mechanical Engineering option (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM – UTBM)
Two masters’ are open to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM students in parallel with their third year of engineering training. Enrolment is done directly in the 2nd year of the Master’s degree.
Close ties with research
These Master’s degrees are an extension of the FEMTO-ST Institute’s research activities.
The additional training provided by the Master’s Degree allows SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM students to steer their professional project towards R&D engineering professions in industrial groups, or research engineering in laboratories.
A master’s followed by a doctorate opens the doors to teaching and public- or private-sector research.
Enrolling for a Master's
Backed up by research
The three master’s degree options are closely tied in with the FEMTO-ST Institute’s research departments and teams, in particular :
- Applied Mechanics Department (Mechanics option and Mechanical Engineering option)
- Micro- Nano-Sciences and Systems Department (Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering and Complex Systems Engineering option)
- Automation and Micro-Mechatronics Systems Department (Complex Systems Engineering option)
- Time-Frequency Department (Complex Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering option)
The request to enrol is made at the end of the second year of the engineering training course (in June)
Students can ask to enrol for the options related to their chosen teaching department.
Products Department: Master’s Mechanics and Complex Systems Engineering option
Systems Department: Master’s Mechanical Engineering and Complex Systems Engineering option
A jury consisting of teacher-researchers from jointly accredited universities and SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM meets in July and authorises the enrolments in the different specialities according to the results obtained in the disciplines concerned.
Enrolment in the master’s is carried out in September at the same time as the enrolment in the 3rd year of the engineering course.
The cost of enrolment in a master’s is the cost set nationally for an enrolment for a second diploma.
Complex systems engineering option
Master's in Microsystems, embedded instrumentation and robotics
The goal of this training is to meet the scientific needs of company R&D departments or of research activities in laboratories in the areas of designing embedded electronic systems and of mechatronic systems.
This training coupled with the last year of the engineering training course makes it possible to broaden the scientific skills of engineers in the areas of mechatronics and micromechatronics and multi-physical and biomedical microsystems for applications in the transport, biomedical and clock sectors, among others.
This training is based on a strong regional culture in the area of microtechnologies and on the FEMTO-ST institute’s research activities.
The modules taught at the University of Franche-Comté take the place of the two last-year modules of the engineering course. The training at master’s level is completed by an additional module.
A 6-month End-of-Studies Project/Master’s coupled internship or a 5-month master’s internship (if End-of-Studies Project already done) is required in order to obtain the master’s degree.
Micromanipulation platform
Clean-room micromanufacturing
Mechanical engineering option
Master's in processes and materials
The goal of the Processes and Materials pathway is to train experts in component and micro-component manufacturing techniques. The processes targeted for metallic materials are: micro-machining, spark-erosion, additive layer manufacturing, sintering. For polymer and composite materials: injection moulding and hot-stamping of charged polymers.
This training coupled with the last year of the engineering course makes it possible for engineers to broaden their scientific skills relative to the Identification of processes suited to the manufacture of a given product, and to propose manufacturing strategies implementing one or more processes in such a way that the product obtained meets the requirements of the work specification, in particular in terms of the geometry, mechanical properties, volume and surface.
Among the master’s six teaching modules, three are modules pooled with SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM on the one hand (micro-manufacturing and precision metrology teaching module) and with UTBM on the other hand (additive layer manufacturing and eco-design and sensory design teaching module).
A 6-month End-of-Studies Project/Master’s coupled internship or a 5-month master’s internship (if End-of-Studies Project already done) is required in order to obtain the master’s degree.
Micro-manufacturing process