SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM is an important player in research at the level of the Engineering Sciences with, notably, highly dynamic teams that count among the leaders in their areas of expertise.
This vitality and excellence is materialised by an impressive number of publications, and multiple collaborations both in France and internationally.
Another indication of this high-level research is the porting or participation in a number of projects at the French and European levels. On average, SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM manages an annual budget of nearly €4.5 million relative to these research projects.
The projects
ERDF projects
PIA projects
ANR projects
INTERREG projects
Classified by project start date, from the most recent to the oldest.. ↓
SMART-INN project
Systems based on rupture materials, innovative technological principles and tools for new passive acoustic-electrical components for telecommunications, on-board radio-frequency systems and signal processing of the future.
Partners : AR-Electronique, frec|n|sys, Snowray, MyOCCS, Digital Surf and SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM
This project is part of the 2014-2020 ERDF programme’s number one priority : Innovation, research, business creation and competitiveness.
In the framework of the ERDF rules on the expenses relative to this project, the needs are described here.
Micro-D² project
Micro-Undercutting of materials difficult to machine
Undercutting is the multi-operation turning process used to make precision components from materials in bar-form. These techniques must be adapted to meet the evolution in the materials and markets for micro-components. A team from the FEMTO-ST Institute works with industrial businesses in the Franche-Comté area to develop these micro-machining techniques with the support of the Region, Europe and BPI..
Partners : Décolletage de la Garenne (Ornans), Consortium of Franche-Comté undercutting companies + FEMTO-ST
This project is part of the 2014-2020 ERDF programme’s number one priority : Innovation, research, business creation and competitiveness.
In the framework of the ERDF rules on the expenses relative to this project, the needs are described here.
CITHaDel project
CITHaDel - Hybrid Technology Integrated Microforce Measurement Cell
Partners : SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Percipio Robotics, Alemnis Gmbh, University of Franche-Comté (UFC) and Federal Materials Test and Research Laboratory.
This project is part of the 2014-2020 FRANCE SWITZERLAND INTERREG programme’s No 1 priority : Bringing organisations closer in the area of innovation, and supporting innovative projects
In the framework of the ERDF rules on the expenses relative to this project, the needs are described here.
FIRST-TF, Training, Innovation, Research, Services and Transfer in Time-Frequency, is a theme-based network aiming to group together all the Time-Frequency players on the national level in France.
Besides the creation of a network of expertise, FIRST-TF encourages the emergence of collaborative projects with a broad spectrum of applications, from fundamental physics to satellite positioning systems.
Today, some sixty laboratories, companies and technical agencies are members of the FIRST-TF network
This project is part of the 2012-2022 PIA Investments for Future Programme
REFIMEVE+ project
The REFIMEVE+, Europe+ Metrological Fibre Network project relies on a worldwide scientific first: the long-distance transfer of an ultra-stable optical frequency on an Internet network without disturbing the traffic.
This project is part of the 2012-2019 PIA Investments for Future Programme
MicroROBOTEX project
µROBOTEX is a technological platform dedicated to characterising, handling and assembling micro- and nanosystems with dimensions smaller than 10µm.
This platform is funded in the framework of the PIA Investments in the Future Programme and by Bourgogne Franche-Comté region. μROBOTEX is part of the ROBOTEX French national network of robotic experimental platforms and is an “EquipEx facility of excellence” (ANR-10-EQPX-44-01).
This project is part of the 2011-2019 PIA Investment for the Future Programme
Completed projects
SAPPHIRE project
SAPPHIRE : System Automation of PEMFCs with Prognostics and Health management for Improved Reliability and Economy
This project’s goal was to develop a control system for a PEMFC-type fuel cell for combined heating and electricity production (co-generation). The control laws imagined are based on a failure-prognosis algorithm, and make it possible to lengthen the lifetime of PEMFCs (operating lifetime of the order of 20,000 hrs).
Duration : May 2013/April 2016
Rafael Gouriveau
Rafael.Gouriveau [at] ens2m.fr
PROPICE project
PROPICE : Prognostics and health management for fuel cell systems
Although fuel cells appear to be an alternative technology for taking up the growing environmental and economic challenges we are faced with, their transfer to industry remains half-hearted. Firstly, these systems must be optimised, in particular through a drastic lengthening of their lifetime. This means we must better understand and emulate their behaviour.
A new scientific and technological area is emerging: fuel cell operating prognosis is an area that must be the subject of greater investigation. Then, the dissemination and transfer of a new technology to industry cannot be conceived of without a precise knowledge of its needs. It is therefore necessary to understand the fuel cells’ diffusion process, and to identify the blocking points, other than technological. All this is the subject of the PROPICE project in which the partners are proposing to :
‒ develop reliable prognosis modules for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC),
‒ analyse the processes for the industrial adoption of fuel cell technology.
Duration : January 2013/September 2016
Rafael Gouriveau
Rafael.Gouriveau [at] ens2m.fr