Organisation and content after a DUT/BTS

You are doing a DUT/BTS course.
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM proposes a three-year engineering course, specially suited to the skills developed in your original course.

Your study years in detail

The course


Step 1 : Development !

The first semester is a 300-hour development semester comprising:


  • 90 hours of mathematics
    Analysis – algebra
  • 90 hours of physics 
    Modelling - command - automation
  • 60 hours of general mechanics
  • 30 hours of production systems
    Metrology - production management - micro-manufacturing
  • 30 hours of English

Step 2 : the conventional SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM training course

For the following two semesters, the 931 hours of classes break down as follows :


Mechanics / Design / Materials : 300 H
Electronics / Automation / Optics : 254 H
MATHÉMAtics : 92 H

For the 4th semester: choice between two pathways comprising 468 hrs of classes :

Some classes are common to both pathways

Product engineering pathways


Mechanics : 120 H
SCIENCES of materials / MATHEMATIcs / OPTIcs : 108 H
Microtechnology / ELECTRONics : 90 H
Mechanical design : 60 H
LANGUagES : 60 H
Humanities and social SCIENCES : 30 H

Sysems engineering pathway


Microtechnology / Mechanical manufacturing : 120 H
AUTOMATIon / IT : 120 H
SCIENCES of materials / Mathematics / OPTIcs : 78 H
Mechanical design : 60 H
LANGUagES : 60 H
Humanities and social SCIENCES : 30 H


 These pathways guide the choice of the 3rd year specialisations


Step 3 : Specialisation & PFE



Advanced mechanics of structure

The profile for the Advanced Mechanics of Structures option focuses on modern design and dimensioning practices based on digital simulation of the behaviour of materials and structures as well as on the calculation-tests dialogue. Typically this option prepares students for research and development professions, whether in major groups (transport, energy, etc.) or small innovative businesses.


Industrialisation methods 

In the context of the globalisation of markets, with all that this entails (outsourcing, customer satisfaction, environmental constraints, innovation), it is now necessary to have a sound knowledge of manufacturing processes and be capable of taking them into account right from the design stage, in order to be able to conduct reliable expert assessments: choosing the best-suited materials, optimising the design, evaluating the subcontractors, designing and optimising the manufacturing and inspection processes. 

Functional materials and surfaces 

Providing sound knowledge in the area of materials science. The focus will be placed on the mechanics and physical-chemistry of surfaces and interfaces. The skills acquired will ensure the engineers are capable of choosing and implementing the materials destined for specific applications.



Design and production of connected objects

Industry 4.0 and the internet of industrial things are transforming every sector of activity. The goal of this multidisciplinary option is to provide future engineers with the thematic and methodological knowledge they will need to analyse, design, model, dimension and develop connected solutions while including the issues of energy autonomy, sustainable development, safety and mechanical and microtechnological integration.

Mechatronic and robotic systems

Mechatronics is an industrial technology consisting of using mechanics, electronics, automation and information technology in synergy.

Mechatronics is present in every area: industry, transport, products for the general public, medical, defence, etc.

The aim of the Mechatronic and Robotic Systems option is to train versatile engineers who have a broad multidisciplinary vision and the taste for taking up challenges, and developing innovative systems and products.


icromechanical enginnering

Training multidisciplinary engineers capable of designing micro-devices integrating complementary technologies and functionalities on a mechanical base. Familiar with the deposition and photolithography techniques, they can grasp the industrial implementation of microtechnologies, whether at the level of the design office and R&D or of production.



The association of bio-microsystems and biomedical engineering corresponds to an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to design and apply engineering concepts and methods, even on a small scale, to problems that may be encountered in biology and the health sciences. This option meets a great societal challenge which is materialised by a need for high-level engineers for designing and making medical diagnosis and analysis tools.


Production systems engineering

Companies operate in a perpetually changing competitive context and, relative to the production tool and its control, there is no lowering in the standards in terms of flexibility, responsiveness, adaptability, reliability/availability. The goal with this option is to offer future engineers the ability to understand a production system in its environment, analyse it, assess its performance and take the decisions accordingly in order to design, control, operate and maintain it.


Innovation engineering

Training the engineering students for providing methodological support for innovative processes in companies, leading to the creation of new systems, products, activities and services, in a context of pooling of resources between companies and of internationalisation. Develop learning around economic intelligence methods.

One semester for the end-of-study project

The end-of-studies project lasts 20 weeks and provides students with an opportunity to implement everything they have learnt. 

On completion of the third year, the end-of-studies project allows the students to put the finishing touches to their training and conduct and accomplish an engineering project. Veritable trial period for nearly one student in two and an ideal springboard for being hired for their first job.

I want to enrol at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM !