All the pathways lead to an SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM engineering degree. Initial training, apprenticeships, continuous training… Discover all the contents that are open to you according to your profile and expectations.
One engineering degree, three possibilities
Conventional initial trainig
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM recruits at baccalaureate + 2 years level. Access to the school is usually gained via the Concours Communs Polytechniques (Engineering Schools Common Entrance Exams) after the engineering schools preparatory course, but it is also possible for holders of certain diplomas.
The school awards its degree after a three-year course, giving the title of Master’s. It is then possible to pursue your studies to a Master’s 2, and then a Doctorate.
Initial trainig via an apprenticeship
Access to this type of training is based on your academic record and an interview, along with a company agreement. There are two possible specialisations: Mechanics or Microtechnologies and Design.
Recruited after a DUT or BTS diploma, apprentices benefit from an apprenticeship contract. They will alternate 2/3 of their time in a company and 1/3 at the school, over three years. The training benefits from the ITII Franche-Comté label.
Continuous trainig degree courses
Access is based on your academic record and an interview, followed by a refresher course, before joining part of the initial training course.
This type of training is open to employees and job seekers who have three years’ professional experience corresponding to an engineering cycle entry level, and a baccalaureate +2 years diploma (BTS, DUT, DEUG) related to the engineering sciences.
The academic year is organised in semesters.
However, you will take different training pathways depending on your past experience and chosen course. In order to discover the contents corresponding to your choice and situation in detail, click on the corresponding box:
Content of the initial training
- After an engineering school preparatory course or a Licence 3 degree
- After a DUT/BTS
- After a Master’s 1