A joint Unit attached to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, UFC, UTBM and CNRS, it is one of the largest French public-sector engineering, information and communication science laboratories.
A preponderant position
Research occupies a choice place at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM: the school is a major player in the FEMTO-ST Institute, recognised on the European level !
Scientific and technological research at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM
A clearly identified research centre
Research at the school is almost exclusively carried out in the FEMTO-ST institute (Franche-Comté Electronics Mechanics Thermics and Optics-Sciences and Technologies). This establishment is a Joint Research Unit associated with CNRS (UMR 6174). It is attached to the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM and the Technology University of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM).
As FEMTO-ST’s acknowledged supervisory body, SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM shares nearly all of its teaching-research staff with the institute. Furthermore, the school is mainly involved in 4 of the laboratory’s 7 departments, and no less than 180 people work on the site in 8 research teams.
FEMTO-ST : a stop-flight institute
Set up on 1st January 2004, FEMTO-ST today has a total headcount of about 700 people, including 325 permanent staff (230 researchers or teacher-researchers and 95 engineers, technicians and administrative staff). The research works are conducted with the assistance of about 250 doctoral students who thus receive high-level training through research.
Ambitious projects
FEMTO-ST is the largest research centre in France working in the area of the engineering sciences. It was graded A+ at the time of the latest AERES assessment (Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education).
Besides its international scope in several areas, the institute aims to become a major European player, capable of imagining new solutions for designing complex systems (such as cars, trains and communication networks). To achieve this, FEMTO-ST seeks to associate its know-how in the area of microsystems with new concepts regarding information processing devices in order to improve the performance, reliability, energy consumption and cost of the systems of tomorrow.
Numerous areas of research
The FEMTO-ST research institute is dedicated to the engineering sciences and information and communication science and technology, and is organised in three main sectors :
- Information and communication science and technology: optics, acoustics, micro- and nanosystems, time-frequency and mechatronics,
- Materials and structures: mechanics and science of surfaces,
- Energy: metrology and design of energy systems.
The spectrum of research subjects is therefore broad and extends from fundamental research to industrial applications. In fact, the institute is also involved in manufacturing and testing real devices in order to demonstrate the viability of the new concepts being explored. The centre therefore includes several technological platforms, the largest of which is the MIMENTO platform, dedicated to micro- and nanomanufacturing.
An award-winning institute !
The FEMTO-ST institute has been awarded a number of Investment for Future Projects, including LABEX ACTION, a laboratory of excellence dedicated to smart systems embedded in matter, which it runs with its partners, the ICB (Dijon) and LNIO (Troyes) laboratories.
Focus lab'
La recherche en vidéos...
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