Opening hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
9.45-11.45am and 12.45-5pm
(Special opening hours or closed during university vacations)
Rich documentation
The SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM library proposes:
- around 10,000 documents (Works, Papers, Theses, etc.),
- some forty subscriptions to scientific, technical, linguistic and cultural reviews.
- he Engineering Techniques’ technical and scientific documentation base covering every area of interest to the engineering sciences. The full-text articles can be accessed via internet from the school’s workstations
www.techniques-ingenieur.fr - A collection of DVDs (fiction) related to the languages taught at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM (German, English, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, and French as a foreign language),
- A General Culture-Leisure Collection: Novels, detective novels, sci-fi, fantasy, comics, etc. as well as novels in English, German, Spanish and Italian.
Access conditions
Loans are reserved for SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM and University of Franche-Comté students, teachers, researchers and personnel. Other people can consult the documents on the spot or subscribe to a reader’s card valid for one year allowing them to borrow documents.
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM students can simply come to the SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM library with their student’s card; university students have their membership validated at the university libraries.
The teaching staff, researchers and personnel take out their membership at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM or at a University Library depending on their assignment.
Membership has to be renewed every year !
Lending procedure
The library card or student’s card must be presented for each loan.
This card may only be used by its holder. The lending conditions may vary from one library to another.
You can borrow a total of 10 documents :
Type of document | Duration of the loan | Renewal |
Books, theses, ... | 3 weeks | 2 times 3 weeks |
Reviews, internships, ... | 2 weeks | No |
DVD (Max 2) | 1 week | No |
Each user is responsible for the documents they borrow. Reimbursement will be required in the case of loss, theft or deterioration.
Reserving a book
A document already on loan can be reserved at the lending office.
Late returns
Any late return will result in a loan suspension proportional to the number of days late.
A reminder letter will be sent.
Access to the resources
You can access the library’s computerised catalogue at the following address: http://bib.univ-fcomte.fr/cgi-bin/abnetclop15/?SUBC=010403.
It is the shelf-mark that allows you to locate the documents.
e.g.: 511 BAS or FCG BEI
Internet access
At your disposal: three free-access workstations reserved for documentation searches + Wi-Fi. All users must comply with the Internet utilisation guidelines that apply in the school.
Suggest a purchase
Suggestions for purchases should be sent by email.
Writting a bibliography
- Guidelines for managing bibliographical references. Writing and quotations (drawn up by DOC'INSA, Lyon)
Terms and conditions: The library implements a name-based automated information processing system for managing its documents. This information is destined for the SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM and UFC library and academic departments. You may exercise your right to access the information concerning you, and correct or delete it at the following address: biblio [at] ens2m.fr (data protection law No 78-17 dated 06/01/1978).