Before you can highlight your international mobility, you must validate it !
The first goal is to validate your international mobility, this is a prerequisite for obtaining your SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM engineering degree.
Validating Your studies mobility
The studies or internship stay is part of your course at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, it must therefore be validated by means of exams, a report, a defence, etc.
Several points must be accomplished. You must:
- have taken the classes stipulated in your study contract in order to acquire the necessary number of credits (normally 30 ECTS or equivalent). Any changes made to the initial programme during your stay must be approved beforehand by SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM.
- have complied with the academic obligations relative to the classes taken in the host establishment: timetables, regular attendance, works to be done and passing the various assessments (continuous assessment and exams, retakes where applicable) and obeyed the host university’s rules and regulations.
- submit the start and end-of-mobility certificates and the academic transcript to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM.
- Submit your mobility report. This is obligatory.
Validating an internship
In order to validate your internship, several points must be accomplished. You must:
- have completed the period stipulated in the commitments you have made, as stipulated in your internship agreement.
- make sure that your host organisation issues the necessary documents: certificate, assessment record…
- submit the required documents to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM (report, defence before a jury, dissertation, etc.) for the assessment of your internship.
After validation... Highlighting
Highlighting ...
Your skills
Skills acquired or developed
- Highlighting your international mobility in your CV This demonstrates the professional and personal capabilities that are much sought after: self-reliance, curiosity, ability to adapt, intellectual ability.
- Underlining new learning techniques, working and organisational methods discovered during your mobility. They give you a professionally useful perspective.
- Making it known that you have acquired specific international skills, know-how and soft skills, such as inter-cultural team work. These are decisive for underlining the originality of your profile or for facilitating your recruitment.
- Highlighting the fact you are used to speaking a foreign language in total immersion and continuously, and that you are familiar with the technical vocabulary specific to a specialist area of activity.
Your experience
Experience of the country
- Before your return, obtain all the useful documents: supporting documents, reference letters which would be more difficult to obtained once you have come back to France.
- Draw up a review of what you have experienced, acquired, developed, liked or not… This review will serve you well in the future to help you refine your professional project or prepare a recruitment interview.
- Stay in contact with the people you met on the spot (friends, professional contacts, teachers, etc.) An international network is precious and must be nurtured for your future career.
your language-learning experience
with a diploma or a self-assessment
- Review of your level and being able to substantiate this with an employer.
- Do a self-assessment on Europass with the European reference language assessment template.
- Use the assessments on the OLS platform for your mobilities done in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
- Obtain external certification by taking a recognised test (BULATS, TOEIC or TOEFL type) at the end of your mobility.
A tool, the Europass skills passport
Europass is a portfolio that is increasingly being recognised by employers, it allows you to present your skills and qualifications effectively and clearly. Europass is designed to highlight your training pathway as a whole: studies, professional experience, internships, volunteer work, language skills, etc.).
Europass consists of four documents
- The Europass CV which you must complete yourself, to present your skills and qualifications effectively and clearly.
- The Europass languages passport: this self-assessment tool records your language skills and qualifications.
- Europass mobility: this document allows you to record the knowledge and skills you have acquired in another European country (company internship; study semester in the framework of an exchange programme, volunteer internship in an NGO).
- Europass Diploma Supplement: this personalised document is completed by the establishment that awarded the diploma. It describes the knowledge and skills acquired by the holders of higher education diplomas. It contributes to a better understanding of diplomas, particularly outside the country in which they were awarded.